I wanted to create a bold and creative direct mail that could be sent to clients and perspective clients.
I wanted to go with the idea of flowers as they make a great housewarming gift and signify new beginnings they also are a great decoration for new homes. Going with this theme I wanted to create a direct mail that contained flower illustrations. Also I wanted to make the mail sustainable as a lot of mail received by homes just gets binned and thrown away.
So the envelope itself will be uncoated so it can be recycled and the mail card itself will be made from flower seed paper which is a 100% compostable paper. That when planted flowers grow from so when the receiver of the mail moves into or if they are in their new home they can plant the flowers in the garden or in a plant pot and they can watch the flowers grow.
The seeds in the paper can be picked for example they could be wild flowers which are healthy for the environment and help the bees. Making the direct mail a lasting gift to the clients and perspective clients.